1:1 Coaching Services

Imagine Overcoming Your Resistance To Change and Letting Go…To Actually Embrace Transitions.

Imagine Not Questioning Every Decision You Make.  

These things are possible.

As a woman of color, you’ve faced skepticism. You’ve felt pressure to perform better than those around you just to be on a level playing field. You’ve been marginalized.

And that’s led to self-doubt, indecision and feelings of frustration and emptiness.

In a study by the International Coaching Federation, 80% of individuals who hire a coach report greater self-esteem and self-confidence. 

In a study by the International Coaching Federation, 80% of individuals who hire a coach report greater self-esteem and self-confidence. 

You’re Tired. But Not Out. 

You’re ready to quieten the constant doubts and to take charge of your well-being.

The problem, though - you can’t get out of your own way. 

You’re drowning in frustration and are letting the negative voices - of others and your own - win. 

Things Can Be Different. 

1:1 Coaching Offers You…

Evidence-Based Strategies
for Making Difficult Decisions

Tangible Action Plans
for Getting to the OTHER Side of that Major Life Transition

What Does 1:1 Coaching Include?

I’m glad you asked. ;)

âś… Initial consultation and assessment

The first consultation is a big one. We discuss all of the things - work issues, personal-life wins and challenges, past experiences, etc. I also administer an assessment based on your goals for coaching. For example, I use the DiSC assessment when a client is looking for a professional transition and insight into their natural tendencies as a leader and team member. 

âś… 11 coaching sessions

In my experience, clients need at least 12 one-hour coaching sessions (initial consultation + 11 sessions) to feel more confident and readied with strategies for decision making and transitioning to a place they’ve only been dreaming about.

Please note: These sessions are scheduled within a 3-month period. The frequency and consistency of sessions are important for effectiveness.

âś… Goal-setting sheets made just FOR YOU

I’m not handing you some goal sheets you can print off the internet for free. No, these sheets are made based on the exact situations you face, ones that we uncover in our coaching sessions. Perhaps it’s a well-being goal or maybe it pertains to talking with a difficult colleague. These goal setting sheets are for you. They help you get to the other side of a transition or an event. 

âś… Resource hub

Clients often describe their thoughts as “messy” and themselves as “drowning in uncertainties.” So, I created the Transition Hub as an organized, digital filing cabinet with the resources we use in our coaching sessions. You have enough on your plate; you don’t have time to sift through email or the internet to find resources. 

âś… Support emails in between sessions

Things pop up in between sessions; I get it. So, I now include this type of support for my 1:1 clients.

âś… Option for additional sessions

As a 1:1 client, you can extend your number of sessions. Many clients find 6-9 months of coaching most beneficial, which means booking more sessions. This topic is something we discuss in our 11th and 12th meeting and decide then. 

“Madjeen’s coaching has not only helped bring clarity to all areas of my life, she has also helped me gain momentum and the courage to go after my dreams.

My confidence has improved significantly and I feel much more equipped to handle life’s challenges. I really appreciate Madjeen’s affirming and supportive coaching style. This process was seamless.

Thank you, Madjeen!”

-TB, Coaching Client

What does 1:1 coaching cost?

I get it. I would ask the same. :)

The 12 one-hour coaching sessions + initial consultation with assessment is $2400.

Remember, few things in life are free. My 1:1 coaching package costs $2400. And you’re currently paying for your worrying, self-doubt and frustrations with your…

  • Sleep

  • Mental well-being

  • Physical well-being

  • Relationships, personal and professional ones

  • Self-esteem

  • Confidence

You get to choose your coach (and if it’s not me, that’s okay!), or you have to make drastic life changes on your own (which is also okay!). Either choice costs something.

Madjeen Lorthe life and career transition coach for women of color

It’s a no-obligation-let-us-decide-if-we-are-a-good-fit talk. 

You bring your questions, and I’ll bring answers and my A game.

(This consultation is one of the free things in life.) 

If we decide to move forward with 1:1 coaching, we’ll schedule our first session (i.e., the initial assessment).

Please note: I typically have room for one new 1:1 client per month. This allows me to focus on my current clients + the new client. Schedule a 30-minute chat (no obligation and free) to determine my availability and our fit as coach/client duo.

Madjeen has a true gift to put me at ease, which is a must for a great coach. She has a calming presence, along with the training needed to truly help women move past indecision and to a place of real transition.


Do you offer a refund or a happiness guarantee?

Oh, savvy question. ;)

Because I’m only human, I cannot make happiness a guarantee. You’re facing tough, nuanced, multi-factor transitions and situations. It’s hard work on both our parts, and there are no guarantees in life (except change. Change will always happen.) 

But if for some reason you do not find our coaching sessions helpful, you can ask for the contract to end. We won’t meet any more, and you’ll owe no more money. I don’t offer refunds on the money you’ve already paid. You will be released, though, from our contract with no further financial obligations. 

Who is Madjeen Lorthe?

 I don’t like talking about myself. But, I understand your curiosity. :)

Madjeen Lorthe certified life coach for women of color

If you feel stuck at a big crossroad, you’re in the right place. I see, hear and feel you. Like you, I’ve been through challenging transitions in both life and work. Change is hard, even when it’s good, I get it. Without a doubt I can tell you that opportunities and growth are waiting for you on the other side of this challenging transition. You don’t have to do this alone, I can help. With years of experience as a clinical therapist and as a black woman working as a leader in the non-profit sector in a bustling city, I understand how to help you tap into your own resilience to overcome the challenges you’re facing. Let me help you transform the way you live, work and play. 

Who is ideal for 1:1 coaching?

Oh, savvy.

If you relate to a feeling or experience below, we should talk.  

👉 Standing at a crossroads
On the surface, things look smooth. Below, though, you’re dying for a change professionally or personally. 

👉 Tired of feeling stuck
For too long now, you’ve second guessed every decision. You’re over it.

👉 Know you have more to offer
Self-doubt and the doubts of others are holding you back professionally. 

👉 Drowning in uncertainties
You keep putting off decisions - big and small - because it’s overwhelming. Where do you even start?   

👉 Dreaming of something different
You’ve set your sights on something - a big, great change - but unsure of the exact steps to take to get there. 

👉 Aged 30-60
You’ve started a career and know yourself, but you want more. (You may not be able to define that “more.” But you feel it. And no worries, that’s something we do in coaching sessions - identify the “more” you want and steps to get it.) 

👉 No longer satisfied with your success
The success you’ve found professionally is no longer enough, leaving you feeling empty. You’re grappling with significant life transitions. 

👉 A woman of color
As a woman of color myself, I may have had similar experiences and can better understand your feelings and doubts.  

👉 Marginalized at work
You’re a leader in your organization, but your opinions are overlooked or not even sought.


Let’s Talk Soon

You want on the other side of indecision, frustration and self-doubt, and I can help.